EduSci part 1. Socrates / Berger & Luckmann: Impossible association?
After reading the thoughts by my classmate S. O. on Socrates and after searching more information about the ancient philosopher I did not find any direct or clear connection between these two theorist but I could find the common ground on the theories of knowledge.
Socrates, as one of the founders of philosophy, deconstructed the idea of knowledge and the way truth can be confronted. The complexity of perspectives affects the final result of perceived reality - which I recognise as vision (understood as view or how things are observed). Through this process is how truth has been accepted as standard and that is how is transmitted and shared.
In this common ground Berger and Luckmann discuss about the way the concept of truth is transmitted and becomes a cultural feature accepted by a great majority: the discussed truth and the ultimate search of absolute knowledge. This permanent search of the truth that Socrates represented even as a sort of battle is nothing but the ultimate representation of reality presented by Berger and Luckmann and shown as the accepted version.
Even today, and taking the example of Socrates and the classic Greek philosophers, the way we see reality and how we organise our society is primarily based on the established reality discussed and accepted by a great majority and transmitted from generation to generation. In this regard and going further, human perspectives and the different ways reality can be identified are the base of current conflicts within mankind. It is nothing but Socrate’s search of absolute truth in a much larger scale.
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