
Showing posts from October, 2018

EduSci. Reflections from part 1 & 2.

After these two first sessions I got a general idea of the theories behind learning processes. Through my personal research I discovered how Hofstede and Berger/Luckmann “blame” the social pressure as a key component on educational mechanisms. The perspective given by sociologic features define the ultimate perception of reality. Geographical areas, as isolated islands, have developed different cultural schemes in the quest of the absolute truth (as Socrates defined and as it was very well explained by our classmate Sunday Olaleye ).  Through all these different authors I realised how close these theories are related to PHILOSOPHY and hence, to PSYCHOLOGY. In this regard, theorists as Piaget analyses learning processes from the very early stages of human being’s development in an almost scientific way. In the other hand, Socrates as one of the fathers of Western philosophy, questions himself about the foundations of the whole learning process in the form of: “what is...

EduSci part 2. Ideal Learning Environment

Please click on the link below to find the screencast I have created to show my ideal learning environment. I hope you like it!                                                 Images taken from: Socrates and his disciples (Plato's Symposium).-Fresco, 1883/88, by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg (1828-1891). Wikimedia Commons. Author: Cory Doctorow, London UK 

EduSci part 1. Socrates / Berger & Luckmann: Impossible association?

After reading the thoughts by my classmate S. O. on Socrates and after searching more information about the ancient philosopher I did not find any direct or clear connection between these two theorist but I could find the common ground on the theories of knowledge.  Socrates, as one of the founders of philosophy, deconstructed the idea of knowledge and the way truth can be confronted. The complexity of perspectives affects the final result of perceived reality - which I recognise as vision (understood as view or how things are observed). Through this process is how truth has been accepted as standard and that is how is transmitted and shared.   In this common ground Berger and Luckmann discuss about the way the concept of truth is transmitted and becomes a cultural feature accepted by a great majority: the discussed truth and the ultimate search of absolute knowledge. This permanent search of the truth that Socrates represented even as a sort of battle is nothing but...

EduSci - Comments on the theorists

Geert Hofstede's image: The image represents an international environment. Students interact directly sharing different perspective based on their geographical origins.  Close teamwork helps finding synergies among learners.  Berger and Luckmann's image: The picture on the screen shows how independent elements can be perceived as something completely different.  Different perspectives can be shared in group in order to get a more complete portrait of reality.  The final consensus of reality is accepted by the whole group and it is established as the standardised reality.

EduSci. 2nd theorist


EduSci. 1st theorist


1st online task - 1st teaching exercise

11.09 12h. After several days of preparations, researching and virtual contacts with the rest of my group-mates the moment of truth had arrived. As there were only three of us during this contact day it was agreed that I would present on my own in one room (it was not my idea) and the other two would share the same presentation in a different room.  A brief sense of panic turned into responsibility when I realised that I would be independently defending our presentation.  For the whole project we decided to use Google Slides as it was the simplest and more practical way to collaborate in an online environment. We also used to create a mindmap to present concepts in a more visual way. It was great to know that two members of our group were professionally related to International Business and the other two were in the Tourism/Hospitality sector - this made things easier in terms of research and coordination of the whole project. ...